Women Leading in the 21st Century Virtual Roundtable Please mark your calendars for a special event on Friday, January 14 at 3 p.m. Join us on Zoom as we host a Women in Leadership panel with three distinguished individuals. Our panelists have devoted much of their professional experiences to learning and leading within a higher education environment or the business sector. PanelistsDr. Margaret […] January 14, 2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Academic Events , Alumni Events , University Events Add to: Google Calendar | Outlook | iCal File Please mark your calendars for a special event on Friday, January 14 at 3 p.m. Join us on Zoom as we host a Women in Leadership panel with three distinguished individuals. Our panelists have devoted much of their professional experiences to learning and leading within a higher education environment or the business sector. PanelistsDr. Margaret Annunziata, PresidentIsothermal Community College Dr. Gail F. Baker, Vice President and ProvostUniversity of San Diego Janice Way, PresidentLeadership KentuckyUniversity of Pikeville Board of Trustees MemberPikeville College Alum R.S.V.P. to receive the zoom link. RSVP for this event