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The vision for the College of Dental Medicine is to be known and respected for service, innovation, clinical excellence and interprofessional education.
We are practitioners of the healing arts defining the standard for excellence in optometric education and vision care.
Our D.O. medical school is nationally ranked and recognized for a reputation of excellence in rural medicine and family healthcare. UPIKE’s osteopathy program gives you a clear path to success in the medical field.
Explore our online undergraduate and graduate programs and learn more about earning your degree at UPIKE.
Armington Learning Center Ground Floor IT Suite
Helpdesk Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (606) 218-5300 Email: helpdesk@upike.edu
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UPIKE’s Department of Information and Technology (IT) Services supports the university by providing and facilitating quality computing, networking and information services for the students, faculty and staff in support of instructional, research, administrative, economic development and community service needs, while providing an atmosphere that encourages access to knowledge and the sharing of information.UPIKE networking services include wireless internet, which is available in all academic buildings, residence halls, Allara Library, and faculty and staff offices.
Password Requirements: 15-character length, uppercase, lowercase, number and symbol.
UPIKE’s IT Services provides email service to students, faculty and staff.
UPIKE email can be directly accessed at https://mail.office365.com. To log in, users will need their UPIKE email address and password.
Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine alumni may log in to the alumni email system using the same procedure.
UPIKE students, faculty and staff manage user settings, change passwords and unlock accounts through Microsoft and its authentication app.
Download the Microsoft Authenticator app here:
Android | Apple
The UPIKE password complexity requirements:
To change your password, visit Microsoft My Sign-Ins here.
If you have forgotten your password, been notified of your password’s expiration or locked your account, you can update your password through Microsoft here.
UPIKE IT Services network allows students to set up five devices on UPIKE wireless internet including, but not limited to, game consoles, AppleTV and smart televisions.
To begin the setup process, please visit: https://cloudpath.its.upike.edu/enroll/UPIKE/GameConsole/process
UPIKE IT Services supports facilities across campus that offer open access computing and classroom instruction.
Allara Library is located on upper campus and provides computer and network access for students and the public.
A computer lab is located on the first floor of the Allara Library. It features the latest Dell and Apple computers, which utilize the latest operating system features and software. Access to email, network printing and wireless internet are also available in this lab.
Additionally, this lab features access to Adobe Creative Cloud and SPSS for students needing to complete class work.
Visit Allara Library Services page for lab hours.
UPIKE’s Center for Student Success manages a lab of five Dell and five Apple computers featuring the latest software.
The lab hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Contact Student Success at (606) 218-5966 for more information.
The UPIKE student lounge, located in the breezeway of Wickham Hall, features three Windows PCs for students use.
Contact Luke Kopp at LukeKopp@upike.edu for more information.
The UPIKE IT Services Help Desk is open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Armington Learning Center – Ground Floor.
Submit Help Desk requests to http://helpdesk.upike.edu or call (606) 218-5300.
Canvas support is provided by Canvas/Instructure. You can contact Canvas for help on your Canvas login page.
If you experience issues logging into Canvas, check your UPIKE username at http://mysignins.microsoft.com/
Campus students, faculty and staff can manage their UPIKE user account passwords through Microsoft
Password complexity requirements:
Students can connect their gaming console to UPIKE wireless internet at https://cloudpath.its.upike.edu/enroll/UPIKE/GameConsole/process